
همچو سرمستان به بستان ، پای کوب و دست زن ....

می نویسم ..نه از خودم اما برای خودم ... ادم بایدتوی این دوره و زمونه که همونشم داره مثل برق و باد میگذره یه طوری سر پا بمونه دیگه ؟! من که می نویسم...
دوست داشتم شمام باشید باهم یه دقیقه هایی رو راحت بگیریم و به حرفای من بخندیم ...اما یادتون باشه هرچی بیشتر فکر و عقیدت و ارزو و رویات رو بنویسی عمل و حرفاتم بهش نزدیک تر میشه ... بنویسم از چیزای خوب ... حال خوب تو نوشتن خوبه ،توی بزرگ ارزو کردن و چیزای بزرگ خواستن از خدای بزرگ ، یادمون نره حال خوب توی علاقه هامونه پس ولشون نکنید ....
من که خیلی سمجم شما رو نمی دونم... !!

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همچو سرمستان به بستان ، پای کوب و دست زن ....


پنجشنبه, ۲۵ بهمن ۱۳۹۷، ۱۱:۳۵ ق.ظ


...I am here again 

At last I could find some time to com and talk about my new plans but in English ! actually it is one of my plans too 

.from now I want to work on my English writing ability by sharing some notes in my blog 

...so here it is my first effort 

                     : I am going to talk about a poem from William Shakespear called winter


     When icicles hang by the wall 

And Dick the shepherd blows his nail 

And Tom bears logs into the hall, 

And milk comes frozen home in pail, 

When Blood is nipped and ways be foul,

Then nightly sings the staring owl, 

Tu-who; Tu-whit, Tu-who : a merry note, 

While greasy Joan doth keel the pot. 

When all aloud the wind doth blow, 

And coughing drowns the parson's saw, 

And birds sit brooding in the snow, 

And Marian's nose looks red and raw 

When roasted crabs hiss in the bowl, 

Then nightly sings the staring owl, 

Tu-whit, Tu-who: a merry note, 

.While greasy Joan doth keel the pot

maybe right now you are thinking that , ok ! its a poem whit some descriptions about winter that they are not even so fantastic or imaginary so, what is interesting for you about this poem? in fact I think this descriptions are so important in poesy and writing methods , wecan say that a good writer or poet is a great qualifier

for example some  writing teachers ask their students to write different faces of an event whit complete details for couples of times as a practice or make it like a habit for them selves when they want to write in their diary 

Its not surprising to see long and copious  descriptions and information about people and faces,places and views ،characters and etc especially in novels and historical books or poems

We can say that if we want to influence our partners as a writer,speaker or any one else who is related to words  we have to work on our descriptions in a way that they dont get tired of our speech but you have to know that all of your note its not going to be told or write actually writing more things let us to choose between more words so we can have the best  of all

 : As a conclusion I can get you and also my self both , this advice

 Lets make our"cook and bull stories" pleasant descriptions by writing more and more about details of our selected topic

موافقین ۲ مخالفین ۰ ۹۷/۱۱/۲۵
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